You want to be an obsession, not a forgotten footnote.

moose anchors

brand identity services for cringy millennials

Your brand might be a little weird, a little offbeat...and that's what's up! Who needs perfection when you've got personality? You can and should embrace those quirks and use them to your advantage. Your brand will be so real and relatable, your ideal clients will forget all about those polished competitors. They'll love you for your realness, and those stuffy competitors? Well, they can keep trying to figure out your secret sauce. Hmh. Silly people. :)


"If you're looking for someone who always knows what they're doing, you've come to the wrong place."

You've poured your damn heart into your business, built something amazing, and know you could be crushing it because of all those coins you have put in it. But your brand identity isn't hitting that same level. It's a mid at best. Like melted ice cream. It feels generic, uninspired, and definitely not making a statement. You're tired of fading into the background, tired of clients treating you like just another option. You want a brand experience that leaves people obsessed, desperate to work with you. 

When your brand is forgettable, so are you. And that's costing you clients. Let's fix that sh*t.

This brand of yours ain't gonna cut it, sis. Your brand is giving off Walmart vibes, and you deserve Target energy.

Want clients to see your brand and instantly think "I NEED to work with her"?

You might be feeling these brand struggles:

Constantly feeling lost and overwhelmed 

You're lowkey obsessed with the idea of having a highly attractive brand but your DIY attempts at building a solid brand strategy are leaving you frustrated, like buying a scratch off and winning zero coins. You're over here juggling a million ideas, overwhelmed by crafting a clear message and voice that resonates with your ideal client. They just don't get what you have to offer.

Watching your ideal clients walk right past you to someone else (big sad)

Every time a dream client scrolls past your brand, it's like a punch in the gut. They practically wave buh-bye as they scroll past you. Silly people. You're creating incredible content, top of the damn notch, but your brand isn't speaking to them. Sad face emoji. They don't see the magic you offer, and it feels like you're screaming into the void. "Oh nooo, why doesn't anyone love meeee?"

Basic AF brand 

Your brand is about as exciting as a week old bagel. It's not good. It's just not good.  You know you've got something incredible to offer, but your visuals, your message, they're just...meh. Forgettable and lost in a crowd of businesses that all look and sound the same. And you scream again "Oh nooo, why doesn't anyone love  meeee?"

"Our branding is so good, it's kiiiinda dangerous (for your competition)."

haha! booooo! be scared!

Remeber those basic branding gurus with their tired tactics? Forget 'em. Yeah. You want a brand that screams YOU. The quirky, the bold, the damn brilliant. Working with me is like having a personal brand hype woman. We'll ditch the generic templates and infuse your brand with the kind of fun energy that has clients practically tripping over themselves to get on your calendar. You will get all the coins.

All you need is to

a brand strategy that screams you.

You're a total original, shouldn't your brand be too? Your brand deserves to be as unique and awesome as you are. Think less about rules, less about what everyone tells you your brand should be and more about being yourself. I know, right? MindBLOWN.

eeeh! look at meee!  I'm still here! boo!

brand reputation

 Our brand reputation bootcamp is where brands become unnecessary (wait, no, the opposite!!!!). This is where you scale up, shake things up, and create a brand that leaves your competition desperately trying to figure out your secret. Silly people. :) Let's amplify your uniqueness, hone your brand voice, and create messaging that resonates so deeply, it practically reads your ideal client's minds. This bootcamp isn't just about creating a brand, it's about unlocking the kind of growth that leaves you grinning from ear to ear.

/brænd/ /ˌREP.JƏˈTEꞮ.ƩƏN/

Let me introduce you to 

(jasmine's version)


Discovery & Understanding

This is where we do a deep dive into your little biz-arooni, the good, the bad, and the kinda weird (the best part). We'll figure out who your dream customer is, size up the competition, and get crystal clear on your goals. And chit chat about coffee. Maybe sloths? It gets weird sometimes.

Phase one

Strategic Development & Innovation

Time to unleash your brand's personality and find what makes you freakin' awesome. We'll brainstorm fresh AF ideas, craft a voice that demands attention, and map out how you'll connect with your people. Consider your game changed. CHECKMATE.

Phase two

Refinement & Implementation

I'm so tired of these fancy words. But this is where we turn that genius strategy into a killer brand story and put your messaging on point. Polishing your brand, creating guidelines, and giving you the roadmap to crush it. Crush it harder than I just crashed the tacos I had for lunch. AND I CRUSHED.

Phase three

"Side effects of working with us include extreme confidence, a waiting list full of ideal clients, and the ability to make your competition cry with a single Instagram post." Silly competition. Hmhm. :)

what winning looks like

Your brand goes from invisible to unforgettable. Get noticed, get clients. Get COINS.

Become the brand your dream clients obsess over. They will lowkey stalk on you online.

Ditch the self doubt, own your weirdness. Charge more coins for your services.

Leave your competition in the dust. Watch them scramble to copy your vibe. Poorly.

Get excited about your business again. Your brand will feel like home. Because it's you. You're the brand.

We uncovering the vibes that make your brand lit AF. We're gonna unleash the real, weird core of your brand, the stuff that makes YOU stand out in a sea of boring sameness. This will make you iconic. And people will beg to work with you.

this might change everything

exposing your inner badass


Working on your brand personality and identity. We'll dig into what makes you tick, your core values, and the unique way you connect with your audience. This is where we unearth your secret sauce, what is the queso of your brand? Clients will be throwing coins at you.

strategize like a boss


We'll translate your unique strategy into killer messaging that cuts through the noise and grabs your ideal client's attention. They're going to have to stop the scroll because they can't believe their eyes what they're seeing. 

patching up holes and refining



Working with Jasmine has been transformational for my business! The messaging work she did for me ended up being the perfect reflection of my business in all the ways that I didn't know how to express myself.  


Jasmine is SO wonderful — you'll feel like you have an instant friend.She listens deeply, you'll feel supported through the entire process, you'll feel like she (genuinely) loves you and your brand immediately, and she has an incredible sense for what your brand wants to evolve into. 


I loved working with Jasmine! She created the most amazing branding aligned with my personality and my vision for my business. The way she "translated" my idea and captured the vibe and energy of my business is incredible!

"The prompts, questions and reflections were soooo helpful in getting some clarity for myself — the whole process helped me zero in on more of Who I Am, what I stand for, and what this business and brand is all about. And the training you shared was SO eye opening — there were some things I'd never thought of; things I'd never even heard of (even in my time in the branding industry!)."

Imagine yourself a year from now, with a brand that makes you proud, excited, and attracts clients like crazy.

And you get to celebrate in your taCO STAINED SHIRT

the right plan for you

One payment

Payment plan

best value!




maybe none, maybe one, maybe 5

3 month support

voxer support


Maybe none, maybe one, maybe 5

"This is the exact thing you need to take your business to the next level."

Here's the deal: If you're tired of feeling like your brand is, well, just kinda "meh," and you're ready to attract clients who are obsessed with what you do, then hell yeah this is for you. Ditch those dusty  generic templates and create a brand that's as unique and badass as you are. Unless you're a turtle. Are you, though? :)

- Mckenzie

"Is this brand strategy thing actually for me?"  "Ugh, Idk, is getting dream clients your jam?"

Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed by all the branding stuff out there. Or maybe you're wondering if this whole "brand strategy" thing is just a bunch of hyped-up nonsense. oR MAYBE YOU'RE A TURTLE. aRE YOU A TURTLE? nO, i ACTUALLY WANT TO KNOW.

By the end, you'll be able to confidently...

ditch the imposter syndrome and self-doubt. 

attract ideal clients like bees to honey

be unique and yourself

Stop feeling like a generic brand lost in the crowd

forget about trying to follow all the trends

forget about awkward sales calls

"This was SO eye opening,  there were some things I'd never thought of; things I'd never even heard of (even in my time in the branding industry!)."

When I'm not helping fellow cringy millennials level up their brands, you can probably find me binge-watching The Office or Gilmore girls (depending on the time of the year), or attempting to keep my houseplants alive (don't @ me). Let's be real, building a business is hard. But your brand shouldn't be. If you're ready to ditch the generic and create something that makes clients lose their damn minds, let's chat.

Brand strategist, iced coffee addict, and your new hype woman

Behind the brand

Oh, hi! 
I'm Jasmine!

a brand strategist fueled by coffee and a deep hatred for bland-ass brands.

I know because I've been there. Those sleepless nights staring at the ceiling wondering if this whole thing would ever work out? Check. Dealing with imposter syndrome and feeling like my brand wasn't good enough? Yep, been there too. But here's what I discovered: once I got a handle on my brand strategy, things finally clicked. Dream clients started appearing, my confidence skyrocketed, and my business transformed from nothing into a thriving well oiled machine. Now, I'm here to share those hard won lessons.

Building a successful brand is freaking hard

I've been in your shoes

I remember that all too well (I walked through the door with you....). That sinking feeling that despite your hard work, no one seemed to notice or care about your brand. But here's the thing: it's not about working HARDER, it's about working SMARTER. Once I learned how to use brand strategy to connect with my audience on a deeper level, my business exploded. Now, I want to help you do the same.

I used to spend hours on content just to hear crickets

I get your daily struggle

Clients Ghosting You? Been There.

Brand Feels Blah?
Been There.

Visibility Struggle? Been There.

Overwhelm Got You Down? Been There.


Imagine waking up to notifications that aren't just spam emails, but dream clients clamoring to work with you. Picture a schedule so booked out, you have to turn people away (or raise your rates!). That's the power of a  brand that speaks to your ideal clients. But every day you delay taking action, those dream clients are slipping through your fingers. "oh noooo" The longer you wait to scale up your brand, the more money and opportunities you're leaving on the table. "oh nooo, the coins""

You're ready to commit to building the damn brand you deserve and:

Stop hiding behind a forgettable brand. Hmhm. :)

Stop waiting for permission, this is not school

Attracting dream clients, no more chasing

Embrace your inner badass

Investing in building a real brand that screams you

Taking control of your brand

this is for you  if...

this is not for you  if...

you're tired of blending in

you're committed to growth

you want attract big coin people

you're looking for a quick fix

you're not an action taker

you're resistant to change

you hate pickles

you love mountains

This Year, You're Committing to Booked & Busy

this year is your it girl era

the right plan for you

One payment

Payment plan

best value!





3 month support

voxer support



Okay, so it's NOT just a fancy logo or picking colors. Think of it as your brand's North Star, the who, what, why, and how you stand out from the crowd. It's your roadmap to attracting those dream clients and making serious bank while doing what you love.

What exactly is brand strategy?

Imagine trying to find the hottest brunch spot without GPS. That's like running a business without a brand strategy. It'll get you there eventually, maybe, but it won't be pretty. A killer strategy = clients buzzing about you, major brand recognition, and a biz that feels like YOU.

Why is brand strategy important for my business?

Heck yeah! Being small doesn't mean you can't play with the big dogs. A strong brand is how you level up, stand out in that crowded online marketplace, and become the go-to for your niche. Basically, it's your secret weapon.

I'm a small business, do I really need a brand strategy?

I'm all about that strategy life, the foundation of a killer brand. I can whip up some basic copy magic if needed, and I've got an awesome network of designers if you need the full visual makeover. Think of me as your brand bestie, always ready with the right recommendations.

Do you offer services beyond strategy, like design or copywriting?

No two brands are alike, babe. But I do not drag things out. We'll work our butts off to get that strategy rockin' ASAP, so you can start slaying your biz goals. I would say 2-3 months. But you need to keep up with the consistency afterwards, otherwise it was all for nothing.

How long does it typically take to develop a brand strategy?

My heart sings for fellow coffee addicts and passionate cringy millennials ready to ditch the generic and embrace their unique awesomeness. If you're excited to build a brand that lights you up (and makes your competition sweat), we're gonna be BFFs.

What kind of clients do you enjoy working with most?

This is YOUR brand, baby! We're a team in this. Expect a private Voxer channel for easy communication and a branding hub on Milanote where we'll collaborate. We communicate as often as needed? Daily? Every other day? Whenever.

How involved will I be in the process?

Get ready for clients obsessing over your brand, a waitlist buzzing with leads, and a business that feels authentically YOU. We're talking about building a brand that makes you wanna shout it from the rooftops.

What kind of results can I expect from working with you?

Attract Dream Clients

Command Higher Prices

your brand will be unhinged

Become an Industry Leader

Build a brand that makes your ideal clients lose their minds 

Build the brand everyone wants to stalk

You've been grinding your butt off, but your brand has all the personality of a wet paper towel. What the frick?1 It's time to ditch the lame templates, the awkward attempts to stand out, and the sinking feeling that your competition is running laps around you. Imagine waking up to a DM slide so full of dream clients begging to work with you, it practically crashes your phone. That's what happens when you have a brand that slaps. Let's turn you into the hottest brand in your niche, the one that has everyone buzzing like a hive of angry bees (in a good way).

not really... but really, really.

Moose  anchors

brand strategy

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meet the iced coffee fueled cringy millennial who wonders why is she anxious

Ready to ditch that "hoping someone will notice me" energy? Imagine a brand with major clout and a waitlist of dream clients hitting you up, ready to invest. That's the power of an iced coffee-fueled strategy and a reputation that speaks for itself.